Friday, December 30, 2011

Too bad the Nazis gave sterilization a bad name

There's a story in USA Today about a young couple who bound up their toddlers with duct tape.

Taped the wrists. Taped the ankles. Taped their yaps shut. No doubt about it, those little shitheads won't be giving ma and pa any trouble!

Then they took a picture and put it on their Facebook page.

What can you say? While I'm not big on the nanny state and all that, there are people who just shouldn't be allowed to breed.

Our society is a bit messed up in that regard. Any two idiots who rub the right body parts together can procreate. It's free. Any two idiots can get married. There's places in Vegas that'll be pleased to provide you a fully legal hitching for under a hundred bucks.

But getting a divorce takes years and requires the help of high-paid experts. It'll set you back tens it not hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Isn't there something profoundly wrong with that picture?

Look around you. I'll bet you know people who just should not reproduce. It's not in their interest. It's not in the interests of society at large. And it's definitely not in the interest of their children.

Yet, those very people are probably doing the oinky-boinky at this very moment. They'll keep a-smokin' and a-drinkin' just like normal for the next six months till mama notices she's missed a few periods. Then it's too late.

Let's face it; some people just shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. Everybody knows it, nobody wants to say it.

Because... every life is sacred.

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