Thursday, December 29, 2011

Does the road to Damascus lead to Tehran?

The so-called Syrian uprising gives the think tank here at Falling Downs a bit of pause.

Let me be clear. Falling Downs is a friend of freedom everywhere and at all times. This is Freedom Central. In fact, I've been thinking about changing the name of the blog to The View From Freedom Central. 

Wouldn't really work on the side of the barn. "Freedom Central". At least "Falling Downs" references, however obliquely, those Kentucky horse farms that populated the imagination of my youth.

But I digress. Syria has top billing in the mainstream news these days. That in itself is enough to make me suspicious. Why Syria?

Every day a new tally of the martyrs massacred by that monster Assad. The daily total tends to be less than the daily total of Americans murdered by other Americans on any given day. Ya, I know that's sort of an apple to oranges thing, but violence is violence and dead is dead.

The R2P arguments have been suspiciously absent thus far. If the virtuous west had to intervene in Libya before any civilians were killed, why has the virtuous west not intervened in Syria after seven thousand have been killed?

But I think it's coming. You're hearing it before it's news. It'll be R2P all over the place, and Assad's weapons of mass destruction, and OMG, look, that road goes straight to Tehran!

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