Monday, December 19, 2011

How Bernard-Henri Levy liberated Libya

There is an insightful interview with Bernard-Henri Levy on the Haaretz website today.

I had known a little bit about Levy. How he is one of the greatest living intellectuals. Perhaps even greater than a lot of the dead ones. A brilliant, brilliant man, as is evident from any interview in which he is questioned about the matter. He may in fact be the most incisively intelligent and wise man who ever lived. To say nothing of his dazzling brilliance.

But there is more, so much more to the man. According to the revelations in the interview with Sefy Hendler, Levy is not just a man of the intellect; he is a man of action!

BHL makes the adventures of James Bond seem tame by comparison. Taking calls from world leaders as he sits in the bar in some opulent hotel. Relaying bombing coordinates to NATO fighter aircraft as he sits in the hotel bar. Advising Netanyahu on Israeli foreign policy as he sits at the bar. Coordinating diplomatic cut and thrust between the NTC’s Jalil and Juppe and Lieberman, all from the hotel bar. Guiding the Rebels day-to-day strategy, from, of all places, the hotel bar. Personally directing the search  for Gaddafi, from the hotel bar of course…

That is Bernard-Henri Levy, the man who single-handedly liberated Libya.

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