Sunday, February 15, 2015

Enough with the Luka Magnotta story already

Canadian media continue to lavish Luka Magnotta with the attention he so desperately sought his entire life.

Today's headline-grabbing reveal informs us, on news sites across the land, that the government spent $376,128 flying Magnotta from Berlin to Montreal in 2012.

How is this newsworthy? Andy Blatchford had this exact story, less $1,128, which is bupkiss on a big ship like this, making headlines two and a half years ago.

So why is it "news" again today?

The only thing that's new is the fact that today's version reveals that senior military and political boffins sent 1,700 e-mails back and forth to each other to make sure this trip was as big a deal as possible. Without their involvement Magnotta could have been repatriated for a few thousand bucks by a couple of Mounties on a commercial flight.

But that wouldn't have provided much in the way of photo-ops or headlines. Harper's "tough on crime"  crew aren't the type to forego that kind of publicity.

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