Saturday, December 3, 2011

Afghan campaign total failure: secret military documents

While President Obama and his cohort of NATO cheerleaders are promoting a feel-good success story about the Afghan adventure, their military advisers are privately telling a different story.

According to the German newspaper Bild, the top military officials acknowledge that the most likely scenario as the coalition withdraws is that Afghanistan will be consumed by a civil war. Citing secret military briefing documents from both the US and Germany, Bild confirms what the Falling Downs think tank has been saying all along; the puppet Karzai regime won't survive for two weeks once we stop pulling the strings.

In other words, the hundreds of billions of dollars we have spent on this venture has been wasted. Over fourteen hundred American lives wasted. Almost four hundred British and over a hundred and fifty Canadian soldiers dead for nothing. Thousands upon thousands demobilized with life-altering injuries. For what?

For nothing. To say nothing of the trauma to the Afghan people, their tens of thousands of casualties, their infrastructure shattered, their development set back by generations.

This can only be considered a crime against humanity. Who are the criminals? Why are they not facing justice?

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