Tuesday, October 6, 2015

At last! A good news story about the IDF!

Seems like way too much IDF news of late has been bad, worse, or worse than bad...

Hardly a day goes by without headlines announcing that yet another unarmed Palestinian child has been murdered by a member of the Israeli Defence Forces.

But at last we have a good-news story!

Yes, the team of investigative reporters at Haaretz has discovered that demand for the sperm of Israeli combat soldiers has been on the up-tick!

Prof. Orna Sasson-Levy, head of the sociology department at Bar-Ilan University and a researcher of military and gender issues, believes that “the combat soldier embodies a set of qualities that are perceived as befitting Israeli men: physical strength; determination; courage; dedication; commitment; discipline; and mental health. He’s not just tall or successful, but encompasses many qualities combined. It’s hyper-masculinity.”


Hyper-masculinity is just the ticket if you're hoping to breed the next generation of uber-mensch who won't flinch at the prospect of shooting an unarmed teen in the back.

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